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Residential Properties

Reports can be prepared for most types of residential properties for use in a variety of forms which can include:

  • settling probate
  • raising mortgages
  • settling matrimonial affairs and disputes
  • asset planning and accounting purposes.

The reports are all prepared, unless otherwise requested, in accordance with The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors' Appraisal & Valuation Manual.  The reports are intended to confirm 'market value' for the specific purpose defined in any report.

External and internal inspections are undertaken, but these are limited in their scope and are non-investigative, unlike those for Building Surveys or Homebuyers Reports. A valuation report will not always reflect the actual condition and cost of making repairs at the property. It will be assumed that all plant and heating equipment are in serviceable condition and comply with current regulations, unless advised to the contrary. These reports are unsuitable for prospective purchasers unless only valuation advice in required.


Peter G May Chartered Surveyors, 7 The Square, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1JA
tel: 01202 842812 | fax: 01202 882131

Chartered Surveyors | Property Management | Property Valuations | Building Surveyors